Dedicated to developing environmentally-friendly technologies, from material to building scale, to address the pressing environmental challenges of our time. With a background in architecture and expertise in heat transfer, architected materials, bio-inspired engineering, robotics, and advanced manufacturing, I bring an interdisciplinary approach to creating novel, energy-efficient building solutions. I am particularly interested in collaborating with experts across disciplines to drive impactful innovations for real-world applications.


Adobe Creative Suits           Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere Pro
2D and 3D modeling            Autocad, Rhinoceros and Grasshopper
Programming                       Processing, Java, Python, Arduino
Web design                          HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Micro-CT data processing    VG Studio Max 3.0, Materialise Mimics, Amira/Avizo
Finite element analysis         COMSOL Multiphysics (heat transfer, CFD, phase field)
Building energy analysis       DesignBuilder, Ladybug (Grasshopper)

Hardware prototyping           Soft robotics and advanced molding and casting, additive manufacturing (polymers and cement paste), electronics (PCB milling,
                                              flexible PCBs with vinyl cutter, soldering), CNC milling (large-scale and PCB), laser cutting
Experimental analysis           Thermal analysis with IR imaging and sensors, optical microscopy (including confocal microscopy), mechanical testing, micro-
                                              computed tomography, UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometry, contact angle measurements with goniometer, photography


Postdoctoral Research Associate
10|2022 - present       Architected Materials and Additive Manufacturing Lab (AM2)
                                   Cooling and Heating for Architecturally Optimized Systems Lab (CHAOS)
                                   Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA (from 10|2024)
                                   Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
                                    Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow
                                   Working with professors Reza Moini (AM2) and Forrest Meggers (CHAOS) to explore novel solutions for 3D-printed ceramic systems
                                   with energy-efficient heat transfer for building thermoregulation, inspired by architectural design rules of plant leaves.

Research Assistant
05|2017 - 03|2022       Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory
                                    John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (from 07|2020)
                                    Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (until 07|2020)
                                    Performed research on echinoderm skeletal structures using micro-CT, (automated) segmentation software, SEM, 3D printing and
                                    parametric modeling. Design, fabricate and characterize performance of a biologically-inspired soft actuator.
05|2018 - 05|2021       Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities
                                    Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, USA

                                    Assisted the CGBC director in research and writing for a book publication on ultra-efficient buildings.
01|2017 - 08|2018       Adaptive Living Environments (ALivE) group
                                    Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, USA
                                    (In collaboration with Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA)

                                    Performed novel material fabrication, thermal and mechanical characterization by thermal imaging, UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometry,
                                    optical microscopy and stress-relaxation tests.

Teaching Fellow
08|2017 - 05|2021       Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, USA.
                                    Courses: VIS2129 Spatial analysis and the built environment (Fall '17), VIS2224 Digital Media II (Spring '18), SCI6478 Informal
                                    robotics (Spring '19), ADV 9691 Discourse and research methods (TA, Spring '21), SCI6126 Materials (Spring '21)
04|2010 - 05|2016       Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands (Assistant Teacher)
                                    Taught chemistry to secondary school students in preparation for their final exams

09|2012 - 03|2013       Benthem Crouwel Architects, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
                                    Provided CAD support, poster design for competition projects, and performed independent research on passenger flows in the
                                    largest Dutch railway stations.


08|2016 - 09|2022        Doctor of Design (DDes)
                                     Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, USA.
                                     Relevant coursework: SCI6477 Nano micro macro: adaptive material laboratory (Fall '16), SCI6478 Informal robotics (Spring '17),
                                     MIT MAS.863 How to make almost anything (Fall '18), SCI6364 Thermal monocoques: an energy systems laboratory (Spring '20),
                                     SCI6374 Advanced applications in sustainable architecture (Fall '20), MIT 2.788 Mechanical engineering and design of living systems
                                     (Fall '21). Including: Independent study (Roboat project) at Senseable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
                                     Cambridge, MA, USA
(Fall '16 and Spring '17)
02|2011 - 11|2014        Master Architecture, Urbanism and Building Technology (MSc)
                                     Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
                                     Performed thesis research at The Why Factory (part of MVRDV)
09|2007 - 01|2011        Bachelor Architecture, Urbanism and Building Technology (BSc)
                                     Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
09|2009 - 02|2010        Architecture minor: Erasmus exchange program
                                     Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.


11|2023                       Participant | Biomimicry 3.8 Immersion Workshop, Discover Nature's Genius in Brazil
                                    Participated in a week-long professional biomimicry training through immersion in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, where we learned to
                                    observe, mimic, and apply the lessons of nature to our work.
05|2020 - 12|2021       Guest Juror | Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, USA
                                    Final reviews of courses: SCI6478 Informal robotics (Spring '20, Spring '21), SCI6476 Transformable design methods (Fall '20, Fall
                                    '21), SCI6477 Nano micro macro: adaptive material laboratory (Fall '21)
09|2016 - 05|2018       Council member | Council for Student Sustainability Leaders, Harvard Office for Sustainability, Cambridge, MA, USA
                                    Developed plans to study the diet of students across the Harvard campus and strategies to provide healthier and environmentally-
                                    friendly food options at dining halls. Article by The Harvard Gazette
03|2018                       Participant | The Green Program, University of Hawai'i, HI, USA
                                    Participated in travel abroad and experiential education on sustainable farming, environmentally-friendly waste management, green
                                    energy production, and native Hawaiian culture.


ResearchGate profile

L. Tomholt, F. Meggers, R. Moini (2025) Manuscript in preparation

L. Tomholt, F. Meggers, R. Moini (2024) 3D-Printing channel networks with cement paste. In: D. Lowke, N. Freund, D. Böhler, F. Herding (eds). Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. Digital Concrete 2024. RILEM Bookseries, vol 53, pp. 74-82. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. [Citations: -]

L. Tomholt, D. Baum, R.J. Wood, J.C. Weaver (2023) High-throughput segmentation, data visualization, and analysis of sea star skeletal networks. Journal of Structural Biology, 215 (2), 107955. [Citations: -]
Press release by Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences - coming soon

L. Tomholt, O. Geletina, J. Alvarenga, A.V. Shneidman, J.C. Weaver, M.C. Fernandes, S.A. Mota, M. Bechthold, J. Aizenberg (2020) Tunable infrared transmission for energy-efficient pneumatic building façades. Energy and Buildings, 226, 110377. [Citations: 15]

L. Tomholt, L.J. Friesen, D. Berdichevsky, M.C. Fernandes, C. Pierre, R.J. Wood, J.C. Weaver (2020) The structural origins of brittle star arm kinematics: An integrated tomographic, additive manufacturing, and parametric modeling-based approach. Journal of Structural Biology, 211 (1), 107481. [Citations: 12]

S.C. Hofferberth, M.Y. Saeed, L. Tomholt, M.C. Fernandes, C.J. Payne, K. Price, G.R. Marx, J.J. Esch, D.W. Brown, J. Brown, P.E. Hammer, R.W. Bianco, J.C. Weaver, E.R. Edelman, P.J. del Nido. (2020) A geometrically adaptable heart valve replacement. Science Translational Medicine, 12, eaay4006. [Citations: 47]
Cover article       Press release by Boston Children's Hospital

D. Baum, J.C. Weaver, I. Zlotnikov, D. Knötel, L. Tomholt, M.N. Dean. (2019) High-throughput segmentation of tiled biological structures using random-walk distance transforms. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 59 (6), p.1700-1712. [Citations: 21]


L. Tomholt (first inventor), S. Gupta, F. Meggers, R. Moini (2025) "[...] ceramic materials [...]", U.S. provisional patent 63/741,664. Filed January 03, 2025.


05|2014 - 08|2014       International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) 2014: Urban by Nature (Benthem Crouwel stand)
                                    Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


05|2023       Art of Science 2023, Princeton University. Jury Award
11|2021       ISI and ZPH Conference: Equitable & Sustainable Infrastructure Delivering Merit & Climate Resilience. 1st place, Project Award
10|2021       2021 Built Environment Plus Award, Green Building Showcase 1st place, Student Project of the Year
04|2021       Solar Decathlon Design Challenge, US Department of Energy. 3rd place, Office Building Division
10|2020       Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM) Image Contest, Tübingen, Germany. 1st place, Best Image Award
07|2016       Battle of Concepts: "Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat treinreizigers sneller in- en uitstappen?" Province Gelderland, The Netherlands. 6th place                     Concept development with stakeholders (08|2016)


2024       Intellectual Property Accelerator Fund, Princeton University ($100,000)
2022       Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University
2016       Dean's Merit Award, Harvard Graduate School of Design ($20,000)
2016       Dr Hendrik Muller Vaderlandsch Fonds (€5,000)


2022       "Bio-inspired engineering. Engineering, biology, art and design", EXPLO Engineering, June 30 and July 28, 2022
2022       "ResilientHub: building resilience through a new design paradigm"
                IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) - Boston Chapter, March 29, 2022


2024       "Extrusion-based 3D-printing of channel networks with cementitious materials", ACI Concrete Convention, November 3-6, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2024       "3D-printing channel networks with cement paste", Digital Concrete 2024, September 3-6, Munich, Germany


04|2020 - 05|2020       Face shield design and isolation hood prototype assembly assisting the MGB COVID-19 Faceshield and Isolation
                                    Hood working groups   Wyss Institute press release

09|2015 - 12|2015       Volunteer dog walker | Dierenbescherming, Den Haag, The Netherlands.
12|2014 - 06|2016       Volunteer at an animal shelter | Dierenasiel en pension 't Julialaantje, Rijswijk, The Netherlands.